Technology is improving day by day. Electric vehicles are eco-friendly in nature. There are so many countries in which there are electric cars but the number of these cars is less as according to petrol/diesel cars. But the future of Electric cars will be bright. Some major countries like China, Russia, USA etc are working on these electric cars to provide us better options. India is also moving towards the electric cars.
There is requirement of these cars because petrol & diesel sources are depleting day by day. Also our environment is badly affected by the pollution which is created by petrol & diesel cars. It has also depleted the energy resource of
fossil fuels to the finishing line. So, it has become an urgency as well as
beneficial on the environmental aspect to find the alternative form of energy. So elecric vehicles are good option to replace the fuels.
There are some problems regarding electric vehicles-
* The price of electric vehicles is very high.
* Charging of electric vehicles as there are not considerable amount charge stations.
* The electricity to charge these vehicles should come from renewable sources of energy.
If above problems are solved then the future of electric cars will be excellent for us.
The revolution of Electric vehicles has started and in nearby future we will have better electric vehicles and a strong bond with nature.
Reviewed by saurabh maroo
June 08, 2018

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